About Us
It all started with a designer handbag that I invested in a long time ago and used for years thereafter. The interest in designer things took off when I realized that it was more that when I bought it. Since then I have been actively buying and selling on the secondary market.
During my many travels, I have collected a lot of bags, accessories and valuable contacts, which have now taken the form of a wonderful little online shop.
At LOVEYOURBAGS you will find handpicked luxury goods from the biggest fashion houses, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel & Hérmes.
We take authenticity very seriously! From my collecting I have learned to avoid replicas of any kind. Thorugh trusted suppliers and third-party austhenticity testing, I can 100% guarantee authenticity, for life, with a full refund as agreed.
In our online store you will only find quality and all minor wear and tear is carefully illustraded and described, but of course a 14-day return policy also applies if the bag does not fit you perfectly.
Should you have any question please don't hesitate to contact me.
Email: veera@loveyourbgs.net